When preparing to launch the brand you’ve spent months, possibly even years, creating, it is important to establish the criteria that your brand success will be measured against.

Having the measurement methods and reporting periods in place allows you to know how your brand is performing so you can make adjustments to messaging and tactical items as needed for the success and longevity of the brand.

One Size Definitely Does Not Fit All.

The goals for your business are unique so ask yourself what metrics will best help you to determine how you are performing against those goals. Then create a list of the things you will need to measure and try to be as specific as possible. Your list can include things like:

  • An increase in calls to your 800 number
  • Increased attendance at conferences/special events
  • Website form submissions and other online analytics/metrics
  • Increase in subscribers to your blog or email list
  • Increase in product orders/revenue/sales

When defining your measurement criteria, remain focused on the key metrics that you want to track. Trying to cover areas that lack real relevancy can make the reporting process convoluted and the results too cumbersome to be used efficiently and effectively.

Measure Twice, Brand Once.

There are numerous ways to track the efficacy of your branding. What follows are a few examples but you will need to decide what makes the most sense for your brand and your culture. For digital efforts, interactive dashboards provide comprehensive reports so you can share different levels of metrics within your organization. For instances when customers will be interacting with front line employees, provide methods for employees to record how customers are connecting with your brand. If you are trying to track your brand’s awareness levels pre- and post-launch, surveys can be conducted. By identifying the appropriate tools to measure your branding efforts prior to launching, you can be confident that your branding will stay on point for your audiences and across your branding channels. Without accurate data, you may be forced to go back to the branding drawing board.

If you look at the metrics too frequently, you run the risk of being reactionary

Know When You Need To Know.

After establishing how you will track the results, you should determine the frequency of reporting. This can range from daily to monthly reports depending on your business and sales cycle. If you look at the metrics too frequently, you run the risk of being reactionary and not considering other factors that may temporarily influence your data like a holiday, natural disaster or technological glitch. If you wait too long to review the results, you miss the opportunity to adjust messaging, tactics and budgets to address any issues or improve campaign performance. After baseline reporting is established, the metrics can guide your branding efforts for years to come.


Having the tools in place to measure the impact of your branding allows you to see the messaging and tactical executions that are delivering the best results. These metrics are critical for maximizing your budgets and growing your brand through short and long term strategic planning.

Mary Kate Lo Conte at Merz Brand Marketing Agency Philadelphia

Mary Kate Lo Conte

Group Account Director/Partner
Mary Kate Lo Conte is Group Account Director and Partner at Merz, a strategic marketing and branding firm in the Philadelphia area.

Learn more about Mary Kate on our About us page.

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